In higher verbosity, we can use a uvm_reg_callback to print the register info in a nice format(shown below) during write/read. This will make our debug easier from the logs.
It's a generic callback and you can plug-in to any env.
This will print the information for any uvm_reg write/read,.
We need to do 2 things.
1. Create or Copy-paste the following reg_callback class in a file. In the following code, I've written the code to print the reg info before reg write(pre_write) and after reg read(post_read). You can edit it the way you want.
class global_reg_callback extends uvm_reg_cbs;
global_reg_callback )
uvm_reg u_reg;
function new( string
name = "global_reg_callback" ); name );
endfunction: new
virtual task
pre_write( uvm_reg_item rw );
bit sour;
"pre_write", $sformatf( "%s ", u_reg.sprint()), UVM_HIGH )
endtask: pre_write
virtual task
post_read( uvm_reg_item rw );
bit sour;
"post_read", $sformatf( "%s ", u_reg.sprint()), UVM_HIGH )
endtask: post_read
endclass: global_reg_callback
2. Add the following code to your env class.
global_reg_callback global_reg_cbs;
function void env::build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
global_reg_cbs =
global_reg_callback::type_id::create("global_reg_cbs", this);
function void env::start_of_simulation_phase(uvm_phase phase);
//Add the callback
to print the reg info in the table format during write/read
uvm_callbacks#(uvm_reg, uvm_reg_cbs)::add(null, global_reg_cbs);
endfunction : start_of_simulation_phase
Happy debugging !!!
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